Thursday, October 6, 2011

1st Day

Good evening,
It has been an incredibly long day. Had to wake up at 4 am (CST), and now it is only 8:45 (PST) even though it feels like 10:45... Oh well, the excitement and anticipation have kept me awake. I think reality of what I was about to do here set in a couple of days ago. It was hard to leave something I was comfortable with: friends, apartment, job, but I am so glad I did this. The lifestyle change will be drastic. I guess you could say I was mentally unprepared for that. Going from relaxing in my apartment with a job, to a college like environment with people from all over the country preparing for adventures we do not even know about is awesome. It is like I get to live this whole other lifestyle, one that I have always wanted with adventure and intrigue. The flight was beautiful. I have studied different ecosystems in school, but to actually see a desert, canyons, mountains, and other things I had never seen in reality brought a new excitement. When you see something all the time through media or other sources, but not up close, physically in front of you, it is like you are living on a brand new planet (and I do love my planets)! Most of the people here are in the same boat I am. Majority are 22-24, out of college, not sure what they want to do, but know that they want to live their year off to the fullest. We all have similar interests, personalities, and it is amazing how quick you can make friends with people. Once you see someone who is going through the same thought process and emotional roller coaster you are, you tend to form a bond. No one likes to be alone, especially when you are away from home and do not know anyone, so we all attached quickly (survival mode). My roommate is great. She is from Long Island, the only problem being this is a temporary room for seven days, so I cannot get too attached. It seems like there will be a lot of sporadic, random events which are not my style but something I need to learn to deal with. I will be in Sacramento (which is just like KC with random palm trees) for the next four weeks, so will have access to my phone and computer. I am so glad I am here, and surprisingly I do not miss KC too much because this has been so intriguing and exciting, I only want to see what will come next.
God Bless and Keep and Open Mind,

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